Monday, March 28, 2011

The blackhole.

Yes I went to the jumping clinic yesterday and that will be my next post.

I feel like I live in a blackhole.  Not really, but when it comes to horse people around here it seems like they are simply nonexsistent.  We have plans to move in the next two years and is it strange that one of the things I most look forward to is moving somewhere where there is a community of horse folk.  I guess there is not a shortage of people who own horses but there is a shortage of "riders".  Not just those who jump on their horses come summertime to skip down a trail on their pasture ornaments.  I hope this does not seem cruel but I don't consider that riding.  Throwing on your western saddle and hanging on long enough to make it through your 4-h classes.  There are NO good stables within an hour driving distance.

Then the one barn that is within an hour driving distance primarily has young riders.  Young as in, mommy and daddy hand me everything and all I have to do is my homework and play with my pretty pony, young.  It probably makes me a terrible person but when I have to spend much time around them is kind of makes me sick to my stomach.  It is probably because I have never really had anything handed to me and have always worked for everything I have.  Even as a kid I rode at a barn that had lots of those girls and never really fit in.  I always worked to pay off lessons and was the recipient of all of their hand me downs.  At the time I was just grateful to ride and didn't understand all of it though I always had that feeling of not fitting in.  So maybe it just brings back those memories but all I know is I just don't enjoy riding with these girls.  Nor being compared to them (but more on that in the clinic post).

Basically what I am getting at is I read these posts about people who just want a horse to ride and I would love to have someone ride my guy.  Not Steady, Moonlight.  I want to get out on the trails but before I take out my daughter for the first time I would like someone to come out with me to make sure all systems are go after a bad winter of little riding time.  I have friends that love to go out on the trails with me but frankly my daughter rides better than them.  And I do not want anyone getting hurt.  My daughter is a fantastic rider but the last time I have taken her on a trail is when that little girl got hurt so badly.  So I know that has alot to do with my hesitation in hitting the trails again with her.  I know that it will be fantastic conditioning for Steady but I am not hauling him there alone.  He will go alone when asked but he does not like it.  He likes a buddy.  I just wouldn't think finding a riding buddy would be difficult.  Especially when I have the horses.

I have even considered putting an ad on craigslist about it but craigslist makes me nervous sometimes about who might answer my ad.  Anythoughts?  Anyone want to head to Indiana for a trail


  1. Ugh. Just remember, it's better to go alone then to go with scary riders.

    I would not put an ad on craigslist. You never know what you'll get out of that. You might ask around if you know anyone who's a decent rider and see if they can recommend someone.

    Good luck.

  2. Actually..I am the same type of girl you are. Rode and worked off for my lessons, while the girls who had their perfect ponies that were 'annoying' and wouldnt jump I would have killed for.
    I answered a lease ad in Craigslist and ended up meeting some FANTASTIC people that summer and we all rode together..that lead me to meeting Laz. It can be good. You have to go with your instinct..there are LOTS of creeps out there too. Maybe put an ad up in your local tack shop?

  3. I'll go trail riding with you! I know we live sort of far apart but I could easily make a day of it. :) I could bring Hampton or I would be happy riding Moonlight. :)

  4. Can relate to your post, as far as my 17 yr old daughter is concerned. We started the 4-H route, but with a leased horse. She never fit that crowd - course, you know them...$$$ 'English' qtr horses and blingy outfits!
    We live in Pittsboror (near Brownsburg) and board our 3 in Coatesville. Daughter is now into eventing, and I am going to be entering my first dressage show next month in Edinburgh.
    Don't know how far we live apart - but I am up for a trail ride - or my daughter (the braver, more experienced rider).

  5. Hi Kelly thanks for coming by. I haven't seen you comment before. I checked out your blog. Very cute.

    Hmmmm trail ride buddy offers, you guys are awesome! I would hate for you guys to have to drive all the way out here to ride my gumpy kid broke fox But if you want to I would love to have you!

    Karen I am up for trail riding together anytime. We could just do a Hampton and Steady ride and meet somewhere. Or like I said I'd love to have you.

    Kristen, that is so cool that is how you ended up finding Laz. Local tack shop...ha. Didn't I mention that I lived in a blackhole, we don't have one of those.

    SB: I agree craigslist can be risky and no decent riders to ask.

  6. I feel like you on the no riders in the area. Plenty of people have horses but they don't ride them. The only people I've ever seen out riding since moving here three years ago was a bunch of rough looking guys that didn't look like they belonged near a horse, much less on one. I wish I could find riding buddies. Heck I wish I lived near you because I'm dying to go riding! I knew I was in for a long wait when I got a weanling, but sheesh I never realized how hard it would be waiting. Good luck finding a riding buddy!


Steady and I love your feedback, so don't be shy!