
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Novice 3 day event!

Each year the Indiana Eventing Association has a T3D.  This year they are adding a Novice 3 day to it, which makes me so totally excited.  Not that I will be a part of it.  This year at least, but in the future it means that I will be able to experience the 3 day event!  I plan to never move to training.  I don't feel the need to for me or my horse but I think we will puts around at Novice for years. So we will get to do a 3 day and that makes me smile :)

There are not many T3D's events in the world and only a few offer Novice level so this is big stuff to me that it is practically in my back yard.  Ok it is 2 hours away but still that is close!  This year I am volunteering at the event and will be a scribe and a xc jump judge.  That in and of it self is so much fun!  You get to hang out wtih the eventing crowd.  Who are such a cool group of people and they really take care of you too.  So first weekend in June that is where I will be! 


  1. THAT is really COOL! Excited for you!

  2. Volunteering a T3D is not to be missed -- I work our big Area II one every year at Waredaca and it's phenomenal!

  3. Super cool Amy - so happy for you!! Can't wait to hear (and see) all about it :)

  4. So! Cool! Two hours is super close. Enjoy and take pictures!

  5. Not having to worru about a horse there this year I should be able to get lotsof fun pictures.


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