Sunday, October 12, 2014


This blog is in need of a revamp.  So many things have changed since I started writing this blog and I feel it has become this anticlimactic unending story with little foundation on which to build.  For a good story you need a background,  key players, a climax and an end. Blogs are weird in that they don't really have the ending part.  I have been going back and reading some of the very first writings on this blog and WOW is all I can say.  Where we started was crazy and where we are now is both cool and disapointing.

My guess is very few have been here from the very begining.  Nor do you really know our (as in Steady and my) stories.  I write here as if everyone already has a basic understanding of the background story.  That is another strange thing about blogs.  Sometimes it can feel like you are jumping in on a trilogy in the middle of the second movie and nothing really makes much sense.  So I will be in the process of rethinking and revamping this blog. In my post a few days ago about where the readers have gone it took me all of about 3 comments to whole heartedly agree with Karen and Sprinklerbandit that, this blog, for me, right now, just isn't that high on the priority list. I just don't have the time and energy to put in the effort it takes to make this blog really great.  I don't like that because I love this blog.  I love the blogs that I read.  I love the people and connections I have because of this blog. So the idea of it dying out scares me.  I am afraid that if I let it slip at some point it may slip away all together.  I don't want that to happen. I guess I am so surprised I even stuck with this for a year not to mention 4. It would not be surprised at all if it ended up just one of those things I did one time that was cool while it lasted.

So the revamp is my attempt to not let this blog slowly die with my increasingly packed full world.  I have some ideas in the works and one of them involves a cute little kid and her cute haflinger adding guest blogs about their journey together. And few background posts bringing those new to Slow and Steady Wins the Race up to speed with who we are where we came from and where we are going.

I most of all love my few very faithful readers!  You all do not go over looked!  I am thankful you keep coming back for more.  I feel that you are all interested and invested parties in my journey and have been moral support and advisors along the way.  I know it may be weird to feel so connected to many of you whom I've never met (some I have met and are super cool) but truth is that even if I can't explain it you really do mean a lot to me.  So here is to the next phase in this crazy crazy thing I call my life!


  1. I feel the exact same way about my blog friends and readers! I'm glad you're revamping and making a comeback because I really do love your blog and would miss you. Even if you only post once a month I'll still be here, although occasionally it takes me a while lol. I look forward to the back story.. I think I went back to the beginning and read your whole blog (I usually do on my favorites) but a refresher is always nice. Also looking forward to your daughter's posts.

    The only thing I have to mention is that black backgrounds with white text are very hard on the eyes... not a dealbreaker by any means, but mine used to be the same way and I got a lot of relieved compliments when I changed it lol. I love your new banner by the way!!!

  2. You know what I like when I start reading a new blog? I like it when they have a post under one (or more) of the tabs at the top that explains who they are, where they've come from, who their horse is, where they intend on going and any main themes of the blog (like eventing or barefoot or working mum rider etc). Like a brief overview to catch up to speed.

  3. You know I'll stick around no matter what! And I am loving the redesign so far!

  4. I may not comment much these days, but I am always here, and all I have to say is hurray! Glad you aren't going anywhere.

  5. i think the revamp sounds exciting - and guest posts are a great way to take some of the pressure off of you. in any case, i'm looking forward to reading!

  6. sometimes you just need a facelift....looking forward to the new blog!

  7. t is like you are inside my mind, Amy! I too have let my blog slip to the sideline - but I don't want to give it up all together. Will be watching your blog for the upcoming changes :)


Steady and I love your feedback, so don't be shy!