Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to go broke in 4 simple steps

I am posting this super helpful tutorial in case anyone was hoping to find a fun and simple way to go broke and go broke fast.

I kid, I kid,  hahaha sort of.  This is actually another Rolex post for those who were hoping the best weekend all year would never end.

Steps to going broke-

1.  Love horses

2. Have kids

3. Have kids who love horses

4. Take yourself and said kids to Rolex

Done!  Yes folks it is just that simple.  This isn't a gimmick. It is all true.  You too could be broke like me if you just follow these 4 simple steps!

All kidding aside Rolex IS the best weekend all year and I look forward to it as soon as I pull away on Sunday.  This year I tried some new things for our annual adventure and some were a success and some I learned I need to stop being dumb AF.

Fan girl photo and signatures with the winner and amazing creature that is Micheal Jung?  Why yes!

New thing #1 I rented this thing with my Rolex BFFs!

It is a 35' beast to haul!

I'd do this again with some minor changes but so fun!

New thing #2 I decided to have a party and feed like 30 people.  This is the only photo I got from the entire nights experience.

 I must preface this section by saying that I am REALLY glad everyone came and that it seemed like everyone had a good time.  That is the only bright spot about all of this is that at least someone enjoyed it!  I am not upset at anyone or blame anyone else but my own dumb ass self.  I know better than to commit myself to such things.  You'd think at 36 I would have learned my lesson by now.
But I will NEVER do this again.  It sucked.  Well not for anyone other than me but I spent a shit ton of time and money making it happen in prep before leaving, getting food out at the party and making sure everyone was fed and in cleaning up after.  I can tell you it SUCKED balls.  I did not enjoy myself because I was working my ass off, completely exhausted and stressed trying to make sure everything got done.  I didn't get to know any new bloggers which was kinda the whole point in doing it.  And I learned that even my kids clean up after themselves better than some grown ass adults.  Beer cans, bottles, cups, plates all over my site when I woke up in the morning and no one bothered to take the trash to the dumpster which meant I got to pick up a bunch of nasty garbage bright an early in the morning.  Again all of this is on me for doing it.  Lesson learned!

A few photos of the night stolen from a friend.
I just LOVE these two ladies!

Walking by and popping in some random photo.  I only new one person in this photo...lol.  but the next day I got to know the other two lovely ladies.

Again don't know this person and I'm not sure how amused he was by my friend putting $ in his beard.

This did happen.  Again me walking by and one of my besties grabbing me trying to make me dance I indulged her for a moment.

The rest of Rolex did not disappoint.  I just love all of it.  Catching up with old friends, drinking to our hearts content and laughing, laughing, laughing until the camp office shuts us down for pissing off the neighbors!  I figure that is a step in the right direction from the cops being called last year.

Corgi's love Rolex too!  He has a large fan club at the event as well.

My favorite things about Rolex:

Shopping I always save lots of money to shop at the vendors because it's just what I like to do.

Here is the total haul!  I'll go over deets later.

I watched a total of one dressage ride on the big screen in the covered arena so that was a win.  Haha spoiler alert I don't come for the dressage.

My afternoon with friends at Dubarry's!  It's kinda tradition to head over to the Dubarry tent and get our drink on and try things on Friday after dressage.  We always have at least one friend buying something so it's how we justify taking over the place.  Spoiler alert!  This year that person was me!  I also learned this year that they have more than just champagne at The Dubarry tent!  Uh hard liquor anyone...hahaha

LOVE these PeePs!  and photo bomb by sales guy..lol

<3 I'll always be an IEAer at heart.  <3

XC day of course!  I think no matter how many years I've been tears will always well up when I am standing a few feet away as a competitor makes beautiful work of one of those jumps and gallops away.

Best of times!

I have THE best hook ups.  Land Rover Tailgate party!!!

Mom fail!  Not used to seeing the sun on XC day.  I did sunblock the rest of the kid just not the back of her legs obviously.

Our annual visit to the Liquor Barn!  Made even more exciting by my friend's broken foot and the use of their super handy wheel chair cart.  Just in case you need some serious liquor but are unable to walk through the store but happen to bring a friend along to push you?  Is driving a wheel chair intoxicated in KY legal?

Time with my girls.  They all came all 4 days this time for the first time and it is going to have to be tradition.  School Schmool...I decided last minute to let them miss 2 days of school for Rolex because they haven't missed a day of school all year and every single one gets straight A's all year.  They really wanted to go so I caved.  I am so glad I did.  They are the coolest most self sustaining kids evar! And we are making irreplaceable memories.  Some of them might be of their Mom being drunk and acting afool but mostly of watching horses, shopping and fan girling with them!  It is THE best!

Patrick the Mini horse~

Gratuitous Head of the Lake water testing of our new Dubarry's!

Mah gurls <3

I am noticing a trend in the riders the girls pick out to get photos with.  Clark Mongomery

Boyd was a good sport though I could tell would rather not be oogled by a few hundred tweenage girls after a not so great ending to his day on course.  His son is adorable.

The Damage

The overview

My boots left. I went with a newer more contoured model and I love them!  I went out to dinner and drinking in them one night then traipsing through mud puddles XC schooling at KHP the next!  Sexy and functional! Elaina's boots right, damn spoiled kid! and Macy's jacket center.

New Gatsby bridle for Lego.

One of two adorable back packs for M and K that they got many autographs on.

My new sun hat and E got a show shirt.
A pair of Pipers and gloves for E.  A pair of pony rubber reins for M and a pair of extra long rubber reins for me.  This year was the year of the hat!  We scored 3 Horseware, 3 Land Rover and 1 Purina fo free!

Horses got a bag of treats, E a new lime green glow in the dark C4, M hunter green pony polos.  And another hat.

And this is what we all feel like after 4 days of RK3DE!!

Until Next Year My Friends!


  1. I'm so sorry the taco party ended up being Amy Works All Night Party. I saw you running ragged but wasn't sure how to help. Plus, tequila. Secondly, the Liquor Barn photos are classic. Just classic. Hope to see you again soon!

  2. Alternate title: How To Have the Best Weekend EVAR <3

  3. Next year let's do a no-host party, aka: everyone bring some fucking food and don't make Amy do it all!

    But for real. How do I get in on this action next year.

  4. I"m so sorry it ended up not being enjoyable for you! I like Nicole's plan.


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