Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Though I doubt my absence from the blogging world has been all that missed, I shall return, nonetheless. I can spare all the excuses and just sum it up in that I have been pouting.  Let me clarify I have not been pouting when it come to regular life stuff.  As for horse things I have been too melancholy to muster up anything remotely interesting or positive to write about.  I don't care to come on here and whine and complain because that is not my over all attitude about my life but when you ask me about horse things that is the gist of how I come across.  Great things have been happening in my life none of which I will bore you with but also none of which have anything to do with horses.  It's all been more along the lines of remodeling, tropical vacations, amazing children and husband stuffs

I have been watching friends go off to clinics and lessons and south to ride.  Sending in entries to shows and planning out their show season.  Even being the secretary for the a large local CT and Dressage schooling show and processing and scheduling a couple hundred rides that a bunch of other people get to ride. All the while, I have not been able to do a damn thing with my horse.  I try not to let it get me down but every once in a while it does overwhelm me.

Pretty much the last 5 months and be summed up into freezing, gross weather that made riding impossible.  I have been feeding, carrying water buckets, breaking ice off of water buckets and that is pretty much it.  My horse, has slowly but surely lost all semblance of a topline and that makes me feel like crying when I see him.  He is a wooly mammoth.  I did get on once about two weeks ago when finally decent weather coincided with semi dry ground.   Most people in the Midwest lost much riding time and all had to deal with the treacherous winter we had so I don't think I am singled out as having a tough time with it all.  It has just sucked.  If I have to go one more winter without an arena I may loose my mind.

The one ride I did have I was highly impressed with the wooly beast.  He was a gentleman and work hard to stay in contact and use himself correctly.  It was tough for him and I only asked small amounts but when I did ask, he obliged.  I did not canter.  That would be cruel considering the lack of muscle tone he has.  My guess, if I ever get to ride consistently again in my whole entire life(dramatic much?) cantering is a few weeks off.  It may come in the near future but I don't want to get my hopes up.  The weather is finally decent and then came the flooding.  So daily I will be checking to see if the water subsides enough to not slip around like a slip n slide.  It is soon though, it has to be.  So to be continued with much more interesting reading that contain less whining and more riding!

And just because I have no picture involving horses I will add in this picture of me with an iguana wearing a hat, on my shoulder in San Juan, Puerto Rico last week.  Because, well....why not?


  1. I missed you! And I understand your pain - the past three months were torture when it came to riding weather :( I hope everything smooths out for you quickly!

  2. I understand completely about not getting to ride consistently. I board my horse a couple towns over from where I live, and between work and weather, I haven't been able to ride him since January. I've been out to see him only a handful of times, and the last time he seemed to be holding a grudge. I'm determined to get out there soon and go for an easy relaxed ride that we can both enjoy.

  3. I missed you! Totally understand the winter thing, though. Hopefully now you're on to spring for real and can be back in the saddle soon.

  4. Totally missed in the blogging world, big hugs to you!

  5. I definitely missed you!! I'm glad you're back!

    I love that picture of you with the iguana! Also I don't mind non-horse type posts on horse blogs, especially if it's about a tropical vacation!! So cool!

    I understand about the weather sucking. It's been flooding like crazy here. I'm so grateful it doesn't stay as cold and frozen here for as long as it does there. I'll keep my fingers crossed you have an arena before next winter. Also don't feel too bad about Steady's lost fitness. Remember how fast Thoroughbreds get fit hehe. He'll be fine.

    Here's hoping you get some great riding weather soon!

  6. Yayyys you are back!!! :) This winter was a beeeotch.

  7. I'm with you! It SUCKED having this long, horrible winter with no riding. I am finally (somewhat) back in the game. I hope you get to ride more soon! I can't wait to see you and Steady go this year - I missed you guys in all your glory last fall!

  8. You were missed in the blogosphere and I know there are many who, like you can't wait to get back to it. Hope you get some sunny dry weather to up your vit D and give you some ride time!

  9. Glad you're back. Good weather will return. At least that is what I have been telling myself.

  10. The winter has been horrible this year but it does seem like nice weather is on the way. Glad other things in your life are going well, though!

  11. it was terrible winter every where. It feels good to be back in the saddle though doesn't it?

  12. This has been the winter from hell...I feel your pain %100

  13. We had an awful winter on the East Coast, too, and I'm just starting to get back in the swing of things.

    That is the most awesome picture I have ever seen! I love it!

  14. Glad you're back. Hope you get to ride more consistently soon.

  15. Yeah I always get excited when your blog shows up in my blog list! You guys made so much progress last summer, I know things will pick right back up when you are able to ride again. The weather has been great lately!


Steady and I love your feedback, so don't be shy!