Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moving day tomorrow!

Steady moves into the new place tomorrow.  I am excited and nervous at the same time.  Letting control of even part of his care is going to be very difficult and worriesome for me.  I think I am more worried about boarding than I would be about sending my kids to daycare(something I have never done and can't imagine having to).  Someone mentioned that I was brave for allowing someone to share my horse but that honestly is the least of my worries when it come to letting go of complete control of his feeding, handling, turnout, blanketing and every other aspect of his care.  Good thing it is less than a 10 minute drive from my house I am going to be a complete stalker.


  1. I completely know the feeling! I just moved my girl to a new barn today, and I'm relieved its over! Moving horses is stressful:( I'm sure everything will go smoothly, but good luck!

  2. 10 minutes away will be a comfort - you can check on him anytime. Excited that you will have an indoor to train in for awhile!

  3. less than 10 minutes?!?!?! JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope he adjusts great and quick ( I know the first day/night wasn't great but good thing about OTTBs is they do finally adjust) xo

  4. I'm the same way!! I can't even imagine boarding! Good luck!


Steady and I love your feedback, so don't be shy!