Monday, May 18, 2015

The perfect horse

I have to admit I periodically question my commitment to Steady.  There are many reasons I do this many of them have to do with self doubt and emotion.  I was having a conversation with a non horsey person the other day explaining how my horse acts like a complete loon when he gets left alone by his horsey buddies.  I have to say it IS a completely frustrating and annoying trait he has.  Her question was, "why do you keep him?"  He also pulls some dickhole moves once in a while and it comes up again.  But who am I kidding this horse is a complete badass and that is why I keep him.  I can only imagine I sell Steady and get another horse and they too will be flawed.  Maybe not the same issues but I know no horse is perfect and they all have their issues.  We went for a lesson on Sunday and Steady killed every single thing I ask him to do in true Steady fashion.  And he looks damn sexy doing it too!  It was our first time with this trainer and I loved her.  She picked out my faults immediately.  Oh you mean I don't pretend to use my outside aides as well as I thought I did?  I had no idea how truly dependent on my inside rein I was until she said, "put both reins in your outside hand.  HOLY HELL what do you mean?  I don't do those things.

I no western pleasure jump with one hand.  We were put on a 20 meter circle jumping two small jumps. Were boarded the struggle bus and struggled our asses off to keep on the circle.  Imagine to my complete surprise that my horse turned so much incredibly better when my inside rein was taken away.  So much so that we turned to the inside of the jump.  MIND BLOWN.  I s.u.c.k. at riding.  I could hear the gears turning in my itty bitty brain.  Wait, all the trainers previously weren't full of shit when they said I pull on my inside rein?  But wait I fixed that years ago.  Hahaha...yeah no actually you didn't.

And then to the oxer and that damn trainer says i need to just "be there and stay there.  You are making it way harder on yourself." Why you so ride so bad?  I bet you can guess that when Amy got out of the freaking way my horse just did his job,  jumping all the things straight, steady and lovely. Tiny circle to oxer through grid back to tiny circle and viola!  Steady really is an amazing honest beast.

 Trainer fell in love and then chatting after was in disbelief when I said he was OTTB through and through.  I am very impressed with him and so much time off over this last year he really came back just knowing what his job was.  To all those out there struggling through some sucky times with these off the track dudes I just want to encourage you. Even the sucking is part of the process. The really sucky stuff?  Yup that too.  Keep on keeping on with these guys.  They are worth it.
so damn worth it! and can we please acknowledge adorable Barcardi ear tips.

 And the days you want to sell them to any poor sap willing bid on them.  That feeling too is part of the process.  Not everyone will get it.  Who am I kidding almost no one will get it. "Why don't you get rid of them? " they say. " A different horse would be better,  more fun, less work." They explain.  But THEY don't know and they never will have the privilege of knowing because they think the easier way is the better way and the won't put in the years it takes to develop the most amazing partnership you will ever have the privilege of knowing.  So here's to all those who when shit gets deep they put on their muck boots and just start shoveling. So if you find that perfect horse you can keep him. I'll stick with my flawed OTTB. Cause that's how badasses roll.


  1. You guys look great! I completely agree - here's to shoveling!

  2. Steady is a total badass. And you guys look fabulous over those jumps!

  3. congrats on an awesome lesson and a renewed commitment to the ponykins - you guys look great!

  4. You guys are awesome! So glad you found a trainer AND a lesson buddy to take pictures. ;-)

  5. Happy to read you and Steady are back on track! You both look great! I also have struggled with feeling that Riva is not the right horse for me - but just like you said, another horse would bring different problems. When it comes down to it, we all have to do what we feel is best for us.

  6. YES! (both to sticking with our ottbs and freedom from inside-rein-itis!)

    This post is why I love your blog Amy.

  7. You hit the nail on the head with this one. Steady looks great. You do too of course!

  8. Nice. So true, and sounds like a good trainer. To me it's do your flaws inhibit each other or can you both learn to fix each other. The only flaw that screws me with my mare is we both waver at new jumps. That one is sometimes hard to swallow when I have to be the strong one, cause I'm not when I'm riding. But damn that feeling when you both are in the zone is like a drug, you fight thru the crap rides to get back there just for a course, a jump, a moment of connection at the trot.

  9. It's a personal decision -- what type of horse to buy and whether or not to keep one. I firmly believe that no one can tell you what will make you the happiest.

  10. I love this post! I'm so happy you are sticking with Steady and that your partnership is blooming (and that you get to hang out with Monica and have lessons together hehe). I also want to thank you for this post. I've been doubting myself and feeling that Chrome might be too much horse for me with my lack of confidence but this is just a (green) phase we are going through and if I stick with it things will get so much better! We have already been through so much together so I can't give up now. Thank you!


Steady and I love your feedback, so don't be shy!