Tuesday, December 6, 2011


See, it is probably a good thing I stopped homeschooling my children.  My math skills obviously leave much to be desired.  Here is my algorithm on how I came up with my answer.

2 old beat up saddles take a trip to the pawn shop.  They are both old and not well cared for english saddles.  Both were given to me by people who just didn't want them.  I didn't really want them either but didn't have the heart to throw them in the trash.  They were at least fairly good quality leather and could have been brought back from the dead.  I was surprised when the pawn shop offered me $20 for one and $40 for the other.  Cool $60 at Christmas time!  Then I start looking at the saddles they already have.  Mistake.  There was a nice looking saddle on the saw horse and I started googling on my phone.  It is a Crump Prix de Saute jumping saddle.  So I got rid of 2 saddles and came home with 1.  Hmmm not in the plan but the price seemed so reasonable and I figured if I couldn't make use of it I could at least sell it for probably more than I bought it.  So I handed over my $60 and then some.  So the total saddle count as of now is 8.  My husband cannot wrap his brain around why I would have 8 saddle and 4 horses.   I don't even own 8 pairs of shoes, well maybe if you count my riding boots, paddock boots and chore boots.


  1. Hmmm...we have 2 old saddles taking up space and gathering dust/mold in our trailer. I never would have thought of a pawn shop!

  2. I have 5 saddles and 2 horses. All five fit Bonnie - only 1 remotely fits Rosie. My husband has told me in no uncertain terms that before I buy another saddle I must sell some.


  3. Heh. I'm finally down to 2 saddles for one horse (and they both actually fit) but don't ask me about how many bridles I have...

  4. You stopped homeschooling your kids?? You know, now that I think about it I don't think I've seen a post from your other blog in my Google reader for a while . . . crap. I'll go check why it's not showing up as soon as I catch up on this one.

    I have one saddle that someone gave me that doesn't fit either of us lol. My husband has some Western saddles in the attic, but I haven't looked at them . . . maybe I should pull one out and see what Chrome thinks. :D


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